Best 30 Nursing & Convalescent Homes in Whitehouse, TX
Table of Content The Heights of Tyler Rehabilatation and Nursing Center Azalea Place Nursing and Rehab Center Home-Aid Care Givers Greenbrier Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Of Tyle Our facility is a warm, caring environment in which residents can heal and recuperate quickly and safely. As of the last update they had a daily average of 95.7 residents compared to the TX average of 70.25 and a National average of 86.4. Star ratings are often best used for basic comparisons and when deciding which facilities to visit. However, nothing beats actually visiting the nursing home yourself when possible. They provide a list of communities that meets your needs. We toured this location while looking into options for our loved one. It was a very nice looking place, it was clean and the staff we met were friendly. The Heights of Tyler Rehabilatation and Nursing Center It is a 30 room senior housing community. With around 38,000 people residing in the zip code, the encompassing are...